Bishop Michael G. Duca shares a moment with the crew that he rode with during the Wearin’ of the Green St. Patrick’s Day parade in Baton Rouge on March 19. Pictured, from left, are Angela Eastridge, Maria Callender, Eastridge’s granddaughter Kaylee and Lawrence Callender. Photo by Nicole Jones | The Diocese of Baton Rouge
Bishop Michael G. Duca will join Pope Francis in praying an Act of Consecration to entrust Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary at St. Joseph Cathedral Friday, March 25, 2022, the solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord.
WEARIN’ OF THE GREEN – Bishop Michael G. Duca tosses trinkets to numerous bystanders along Hundred Oaks Avenue as Baton Rouge’s Wearin’ of the Green St. Patrick’s Day Parade rolled along on March 19. During the picturesque sunny spring day, many partook in the festivities of the parade, which also occurred on the Feast Day of St. Joseph. Photo by Debbie Shelley | The Catholic Commentator
Churches throughout the Diocese of Baton Rouge celebrated St. Joseph’s Day with St. Joseph altars, including Mater Dolorosa Church in Independence, above. A parishioner at Mater Dolorosa and volunteer cook said 45 pounds of red gravy and 125 pounds of pasta were prepared for the celebration, which included sardines and many other Italian delicacies. Photo by Richard Meek | The Catholic Commentator
Cars lined up in the parking lot of Our Lady of Mercy Church in Baton Rouge on March 11 to receive a special Lenten soup prepared by Chef John Folse during the St. Vincent de Paul Society’s “Count Your Blessings Supper To-Geaux” fundraising event. Folse prepared a special Lenten soup of Sicilian shrimp and roasted tomato bisque. Joining Folse right, were, from left, John Pastorek of WBRZ, Bishop Michael G. Duca and Bishop Emeritus Robert W. Muench. Proceeds benefited the charitable works of St. Vincent de Paul. Photo by Debbie Shelley | The Catholic Commentator
By the time this column is published, the Diocese of Baton Rouge will have held all of its meetings, or “synods,” for lay Catholics throughout the deaneries of the diocese, plus one meeting for Bishop Michael G. Duca and his clergy (additional meetings for specific groups will be scheduled later in the spring).
Members of the St. Michael High School in Baton Rouge band, under the direction of band director Dr. Kevin Andry, perform Mardi Gras favorites for residents and staff at Ollie Steele Burden Manor in Baton Rouge on Feb. 22. Photo provided by Dr. Kevin Andry/St. Michael High School
Paint and prayer blended with the beautiful surroundings of the Burden Gardens in Baton Rouge as people gathered and produced Byzantine icons of St. Patrick during a workshop Feb. 20-25.
40 Days for for Life Baton Rouge kicked off its first spring campaign, March 2 – April 10. 40 Days is an interdenominational movement to end abortion through fasting and a peaceful prayer vigil outside of Delta Women’s abortion clinic in Baton Rouge. Pictured praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet are, from left, Dianne Lencse, of St. George Church in Baton Rouge; Louis Kelly, of St. Isidore Church in Baton Rouge; Mignon Bosse, also of St. George; and Richard Mahoney, of St. Agnes Church in Baton Rouge and owner of the American Holocaust Memorial Museum in Baton Rouge. The museum is a former abortion clinic that now serves as a memorial to the tragedy of abortion. Rosalie Hernandez, of St. George Church in Baton Rouge, and Kristel Neupert, social responsibility coordinator for St. George, pray the rosary. Photos by Debbie Shelley | The Catholic Commentator
When people strongly believe in something, they tell everyone about it and similar to the way the Twelve Apostles did in spreading the Gospel message, invite them to participate in that mission.
St. Thomas Aquinas Regional High school in Hammond Falcons’ thrilled fans with a magical run this basketball season, winning the District 10-2A title and advancing to the state semifinals in Lafayette before falling to Newman High School of New Orleans.
Cathy Abshire OFS, center, made her profession to the Secular Franciscan Order on Jan. 23 at Our Lady of Mercy Church in Baton Rouge. Abshire completed her formation through the St. Joseph Fraternity in Baton Rouge. Pictured with Abshire are Father Nutan Minj IMS, OLOM parochial vicar who celebrated Mass and confirmed and ratified in the name of the church the promises Abshire made and Sister Martha Ann Abshire FMOL, spiritual assistant for St. Joseph Fraternity. Photo provided by Our Lady of Mercy Church, Baton Rouge
Those small, yet familiar boxes that are symbols of hope to some of the neediest people in the area as well as worldwide are popping up in churches and schools.
Catholics are hungry for evangelization and are looking to the Diocese of Baton Rouge for even more ways to bring fallen away Catholics, including their family members, back to the church.