As we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we are filled with joy and gratitude for the great gift of God's love made manifest through the Incarnation. Christmas is a time to reflect on the incredible hope that Christ brings into our world — the hope of salvation, peace, and the promise of eternal life.
This Christmas is especially meaningful, as it marks the joyful remembrance of Christ's birth and the beginning of the Jubilee Year of Hope — a year set apart for prayer, renewal, and a deepening of our faith in God's infinite mercy and love.
In a Jubilee year, the faithful are invited to experience God’s grace profoundly and to allow His mercy to transform our lives. Rooted in the ancient biblical tradition of Leviticus, the Jubilee year was a time when the people of Israel experienced forgiveness, freedom, and restoration — a time when debts were forgiven, land was returned, and those in need were given a fresh start. Today, this sacred tradition reminds us that God's mercy is always available to us, no matter where we find ourselves on our journey of faith.
This Jubilee Year of Hope comes to us at a time when our world and communities are in great need of healing, reconciliation, and renewed trust in God’s promises. As we journey through this year together, we are reminded that no matter the challenges we face, the light of Christ shines brightly, offering hope to all who seek it.
As we celebrate the joy of Christmas, let us also look forward to the hope and transformation that the Jubilee Year brings. May it lead each of us to a deeper understanding of God's love and inspire us to live that love more fully in the world.
Please know that I will be praying for each of you throughout this Jubilee Year, and I ask that you keep me in your prayers as well. Together, let us walk in faith, hope, and love, and allow the light of Christ to shine through us to all those we encounter.