The season of Easter continues as we celebrate the Third and Fourth Sundays. The path to Pentecost follows the proclamation of the Paschal Mystery understood as Jesus’ passion, death and resurrection. The sacred readings offer three powerful testimonies of guidance, confidence and strength for our prayer and meditation.
Know for certain (Acts 2:14, 22-33)
In Chapter Two of Acts of the Apostles, we see St. Peter confidently standing in front of a crowd who are mocking him and the other apostles. Jesus’ closest followers had just experienced an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Upper Room. Fortified by this grace they stepped out into the street and loudly proclaimed the works of Jesus. They were entirely strengthened by the Holy Spirit, so much so they held nothing back. St. Peter gave a bold testimony of Jesus’ death and resurrection, recounting how many present before him were, themselves, amazed at the “deeds, wonders and signs” given by Jesus, only to turn on Him in the crucifixion. Many were so taken aback by St. Peter’s profession of faith and witness of Jesus they asked him, “What are we to do?” He invited them to repentance and baptism in the name of the Trinity. As a result, 3,000 that day gave themselves to the Lord. Three thousand in ONE day!