A series of listening sessions in the Diocese of Baton Rouge responding to Pope Francis’ call to engage in a synodal process titled “Toward a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, Mission,” is scheduled to launch Jan. 20 at St. Margaret Queen of Scotland Parish Hall in Albany.
At least nine sessions are scheduled that will include all five deaneries, touching every corner of the diocese.
Vicar General Father Jamin David said the questions (listed on this page) are divided into three sections – Communion, Participation and Mission. Father David said the sections are presented as guidelines and are in imitation of the Synod of Bishops’ “Vademecum.”
He said the preparatory documents have been shared with bishops and dioceses throughout the world.
“Communion, participation and mission express succinctly Pope Francis’ understanding of synodality and help open pathways for consultation,” Father David said.
The sections/questions were devised with the approval of Bishop Michael G. Duca and after having studied the preparatory documents for the diocesan phase of listening.
“While there are many areas of ecclesiastical life that the faithful will likely desire to reflect upon and opine, these questions serve as a guide to help us understand the purpose of the synod in the words of Pope Francis: ‘Not to produce documents, but to plant dreams, draw forth prophecies and visions, allow hope to flourish, inspire trust, bind up wounds, weave together relationships, awaken a dawn of hope, learn from one another and create a bright resourcefulness that will enlighten minds, warm hearts, give strength to our hands,’ ” Father David said.
Each session will begin with a brief introduction explaining the synod and synodality. If present, Bishop Duca will speak. Time will be allowed for the faithful to speak in two-minute increments and with sufficient time allotted to discuss each question.
“While every person in attendance might not be able to answer every question in the public forum, there is also a way that participants can, online, give their feedback which will greatly aid in creation of a diocesan document,” Father David said. “The focus will be on listening and learning how to listen.”
Father David said creating a strategic plan for the diocese has been one of his ministerial priorities for nearly two years and is looking forward to hearing from parishioners about how some of the diocesan planning has made positive changes. He is also eager to hear how the church has impacted the lives of the faithful.
Understanding how in the past the church has fostered hurts Father David is looking forward to learning how the church can, proactively, be a source of healing in a hurting world.
“The greatest desire here, I think, is to make our church a missionary church whose doors are always open,” Father David said.
Acknowledging the sessions are being held during the challenging times of a global pandemic, he is hopeful for good representation not only from the faithful but from those who would like to dialogue with the church, especially those who are marginalized.
Synod meetings schedule (by deanery)
Northeast Deanery — Jan. 20, 6-8 p.m.; St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland Parish Hall, 30300 Catholic Hall Road, Hammond
South Deanery — Jan. 24, 6:30-8:30 p.m.; St. Elizabeth School Gym
6051 Convent Street, Paincourtville
Baton Rouge Deanery — Jan. 26, 6-8 p.m.; The Catholic Life Center Ballroom, 1800 South Acadian Thruway, Baton Rouge (There may be capacity limitations at this session.)
Northwest Deanery — Jan. 29, 9-11 a.m.; Holy Family Church, 369 North Jefferson Avenue, Port Allen
Northwest Deanery — Jan. 31, 6-8 p.m.; St. John the Baptist Hall,
4727 McHugh Drive, Zachary
South Deanery — Feb. 16, 6-8 p.m.; St. John the Evangelist Parish Hall, 57805 Main Street, Plaquemine
Baton Rouge Deanery — Feb. 17, 6-8 p.m.; The Catholic Life Center Ballroom, 1800 South Acadian Thruway, Baton Rouge
East Central Deanery — Feb. 18, 6-8 p.m.; St. Peter Chanel Gym, 2590 Louisiana Highway 44, Paulina
East Central Deanery — Feb. 19, 9-10:30 a.m.; St. Theresa of Avila School Gym, 102 North Burnside Avenue, Gonzales
“He put all things in subjection under His feet and made Him head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.” —Ephesians 1:22-23
The Church is “Catholic” because she is sent to all to gather the entire human family from every nation and culture in the unity of the Holy Spirit.
1. In what ways has the local Church of Baton Rouge and/or your parish been successful in bringing people together in communion?
2. How can our local Church build up communion effectively and authentically in the coming months and years? Give a concrete example.
3. Does our local Church relate to members who have drifted away? How can we improve as a local Church in how we invite others back into full communion?
“Let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works.” — Hebrews 10:24
All the faithful possess gifts and talents to serve each other through the gifts that have been received from the Holy Spirit.
1. How has the local Church of Baton Rouge and/or your parish been successful in inviting others to participate in the rich ministerial life of the Church?
2. Which groups and individuals are least included in our diocese and/or your parish? How can the Church invite them to share their gifts and talents?
3. How can the Church of Baton Rouge better enable full participation and co-responsibility in the life of the Church in parish and diocesan levels?
“As you sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.” — John 17:18
The Church is on a pilgrimage through history towards communion with God. All the baptized are honored with the dignity of God and are appointed to the same mission – to proclaim the Good News and build up the Kingdom of God.
1. From a missionary perspective, how would you characterize the situation and needs in your parish and community?
2. Does the Church of Baton Rouge, through catechesis, formation, and liturgy, aid in the formation of the people of God as missionary disciples?
3. Where is the Holy Spirit calling the Church to mission and service today?
Please share any other feedback that you think is important in helping the Diocese of Baton Rouge draft its Synodal Report to share with the Holy See.