Sunday and Feast Day Universal Prayers
Suggestions for Leading Worship
Office of Worship
Phone: (225) 242-0120
E-Mail: [email protected]
The First Sunday of Advent, Cycle C
The Beginning of the Year of Grace, 2025
November 30th – December 1st, 2024
Priest: Turning to the Lord who unceasingly shows us his love, we offer our prayers and petitions for all the world.
Deacon (or other reader if there is no deacon):
· That God’s Word in this Advent season will awaken steadfast hope that our salvation is at hand, we pray to the Lord…
· For Pope Francis, may his words of teaching and exhortation invite us and all the world to greater lives of faith, hope and charity, we pray to the Lord...
· For leaders of nations, especially where bloodshed is taking place; may they work for justice and protection for their people, we pray to the Lord...
· For all who struggle with fear and anxiety; may this Advent season invite them to new hope and peace, we pray to the Lord...
· For us as we gather here in prayer today, may our friendship increase as a parish community as we choose to know one another more deeply, we pray to the Lord...
· For all who have died, especially [add deceased names or “parishioners of” (add name)], and the intentions of this mass [add mass intentions], may they dwell secure with the Lord forever, we pray to the Lord...
· In silence, we pray for own needs and the special intentions of others, to the God who promises to return for those who live in his love… [pause; the presider alone concludes…]
Priest: Lord God, guide us always in your truth and teach us. Hear our prayers as we begin this season of preparation for the coming of your Son and draw us ever closer to you. We ask this through Christ our Lord. AMEN.
The First Sunday of Advent, Cycle C
The Beginning of the Year of Grace, 2025
November 30th – December 1st, 2024
1. The prayers are from the First Sunday of Advent.
2. Consider singing a setting of form III of the PA. Use throughout Advent. Consider an arrangement that might be set to a familiar Advent hymn melody.
3. The Gloria is not sung or said; the creed is prayed.
4. Use an Advent collect to conclude the UP.
5. P-1 of Advent is said or sung through December 16.
6. You might use EP-III and the SB #1 for Advent.
a. Each week, beginning with the 1st week of Advent, a special Universal Prayer will be highlighted in red and should be used in Sunday masses throughout the Jubilee year.
b. As part of the celebration of the Jubilee Year of Hope for 2025, the Diocese is sponsoring a Day of Reflection entitled, “Living With Sure and Steadfast Hope.” That day is scheduled for Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024 from 9 AM to 3 PM in the Ballroom of the Catholic Life Center. The goal of this event is to have parish leaders, such as clergy, DRE’s, school catechists, adult faith coordinators, etc. experience this Day of Reflection with the expectation that they will use the elements of this retreat to facilitate a similar day in their own parishes. The clergy are encouraged to recruit leaders to register to attend using the following link:
8. Immaculate Conception Holy Day of Obligation Information