Sunday and Feast Day Universal Prayers
Suggestions for Leading Worship
Office of Worship
Phone: (225) 242-0120
E-Mail: [email protected]
The 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C
January 18-19 2025
Priest: Let us not be silent when there is suffering in our world! Let us not be quiet when people among us cry out for mercy! And so, we turn to the Lord with our needs…
Deacon (or other reader if there is no deacon):
· Isaiah 62:1-5
For those who are “forsaken” by all; for those who live in lands “desolated” by war, famine, drought, civil strife; may their hope in God’s power to make a way when there is no way to fail; we pray to the Lord…
· That the Church may be a place of welcome and comfort, we pray to the Lord...
· That the newly elected President of the United States, Donald Trump, will govern with justice and promote unity and peace, we pray to the Lord...
· That concerted efforts be made to end all acts of racial violence and oppression; we pray to the Lord…
· That all peoples have the freedom to worship according to their own creed and culture, we pray to the Lord…
· That all Christians, unified by a common baptism, may walk together in faith and love; we pray to the Lord…
· For all who have died, especially [add deceased names or “parishioners of” (add name)], and the intentions of this mass [add mass intentions], may they dwell secure with the Lord forever, we pray to the Lord...
· In silence, we pray for own needs and the special intentions of others, to the God who promises to return for those who live in his love… [pause; the presider alone concludes…]
Priest: Triune God, you bestow every good gift according to your will. Grant that we may use our gifts in selfless service, glorifying you in all that we do. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
The 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C
January 18-19 2025
1. A sample penitential act could be:
Lord Jesus, you come to us in sacramental signs; Lord, have mercy.
Christ Jesus, you strengthen us to follow your call; Christ, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, all things give you praise and worship; Lord, have mercy.
2. The Mass texts are found in the Ordinary Time section of the PT. Use those for the Second Sunday.
3. Although any form of the PA or a rite of sprinkling may take place on the Sundays in OT, consider using the Confiteor followed by the Kyrie throughout the winter months.
4. Sing the Gloria. The creed is prayed.
5. An OT collect may conclude the UP. You might even look at the collects in the MPVNO for possible concluding prayers or the Mass for the Unity of Christians (#17).
6. Any of the eight prefaces of the Sundays of OT may be used; consider P-2.
7. Consider using EP-III and SB #9.
8. January 20, 2025 is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Civil Rights Day and the Presidential Inauguration Day. The Catholic Life Center will be closed.