Sunday and Feast Day Universal Prayers
Suggestions for Leading Worship
Office of Worship
Phone: (225) 242-0120
E-Mail: [email protected]
The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C
February 15-16, 2025
Priest: Coming before the Lord in hope, we bring our prayers and petitions.
Deacon (or other reader if there is no deacon):
· Jeremiah 17:5-8
During times of darkness and fear, may we trust in the Lord, put our hope in the Lord; and may God not allow our hopes to be disappointed, we pray to the Lord…
· For the church throughout the world, may it comfort the sick and bring consolation to the sorrowful; we pray to the Lord...
· For government officials at the local, regional, and national levels; may they seek to serve all their constituents, especially the most poor and vulnerable among them; we pray to the Lord…
· For those suffering in mind, body, and spirit, and for those who are near death, may they be filled with hope in Christ; we pray to the Lord…
· For all who have died, especially [add deceased names or “parishioners of” (add name)], and the intentions of this mass [add mass intentions], may they dwell secure with the Lord forever, we pray to the Lord...
· In silence, we pray for own needs and the special intentions of others, to the God who promises to return for those who live in his love… [pause; the presider alone concludes…]
Priest: O God blessed are they who hope in you. Increase our faith and allow us to grow in your wisdom. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
The 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C
February 15-16, 2025
1. A sample penitential act could be:
Lord Jesus, you watch over the way of the just; Lord, have mercy.
Christ Jesus, you bless all who hope in you; Christ, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, you free us from our sin and sadness; Lord, have mercy.
2. The prayers are those for the Sixth Sunday in OT.
3. Use the same form of the PA throughout these winter Sundays in OT.
4. Sing the Gloria. The creed is prayed.
5. An OT collect may be used as the conclusion to the UP. You might even look at the collects in the MPVNO for possible concluding prayers.
6. Any of the eight prefaces of the Sundays of OT may be used; consider P-3.
7. Consider using EPVN-IV and SB #13.