Cheers and applause erupted as the three newest deacons of the Diocese of Baton Rouge walked down the aisle of St. Joseph Cathedral after they were ordained by Bishop Michael G. Duca during a Mass on May 25
Mark Cloutier, Jeremy Doucet, and Frank Titus were ordained in front of a large assembly of their families, friends, and fellow clergy.
The rite of ordination began after the proclamation of the Gospel. Deacon Don Allison, who serves as deacon assistant at St. Aloysius Church in Baton Rouge, called forth the deacon candidates. Each confidently answered “present” and preceded to stand in front of Bishop Duca.
Father Paul Gros, former director of formation for the permanent diaconate program, presented the candidates to Bishop Duca. Deacon Terry Bellon, director of formation for the diaconate program, testified to the candidates’ readiness for ordination, after which Bishop Duca chose the candidates for the order of diaconate. The assembly applauded to express their approval.
Bishop Duca’s homily highlighted the dignity and purpose of the diaconate, which is to do everything as disciples of Christ, and not be served but to serve.
“In all places and at all times, you are to realize that you are the ministers of Christ’s love to his people; a love that must dwell in your hearts; a love that loves others as Christ loves us first,” Bishop Duca told the elect.
The love of Christ must cut across all their biases or judgments so they love others not as they would, but as Christ would, according to the bishop.
He continued that the deacons must recognize God’s love for them as his instrument through which they serve others. They must also realize that when their efforts come up short, if what they are doing comes from a deep love and concern, that will speak louder than words.
Because the candidates have been strengthened through the difficulties they’ve encountered that are part of marriage and family life, they will be able to move in ways that others cannot, noted the bishop.
Deacons must also never let hope die within them and bring words of hope and encouragement to others, the bishop emphasized.
He further commended the elect for dedicating time to ministries of charity, which is also the call for all Christians to deepen their spiritual lives.
Bishop Duca ended his homily with word of blessing to the deacons.
“May God bless you in your ministry. You bless us by your desire to serve God,” the bishop said. After the homily, the deacons knelt in front of Bishop Duca and promised to respect and obey him and his successors.
In a moving part of the rite, the elect prostrated themselves before the altar as the assembly prayed for them during the singing of the litany of supplication.
Next, the candidates knelt before the bishop as he laid hands on them and prayed a prayer of ordination. The new deacons were then vested with stoles and liturgical dalmatics, the garments of a deacon.
Following their investiture, the deacons once again knelt before Bishop Duca to receive the Book of the Gospels with the instruction to “Believe what you read, teach what you believe, and practice what you teach.”
After the deacons offered a fraternal gesture of peace to Bishop Duca and their fellow deacons, the Mass moved into the liturgy of the Eucharist.
Before the final blessing, each deacon received their certificates of completion from Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University.
As the deacons left the cathedral to greet family and friends, the recessional hymn, “O, God Beyond All Praising,” reverberated in the Cathedral.