Sunday and Feast Day Universal Prayers
Suggestions for Leading Worship
Office of Worship
Phone: (225) 242-0120
E-Mail: [email protected]
The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C
February 8-9, 2025
Priest: The Lord hears the words of our mouth and the prayers of our hearts, and so we bring before him the needs of our world.
Deacon (or other reader if there is no deacon):
· Luke 5:1-11
For those who minister in the Church; may they not be afraid to put out into the deep waters of our culture and preach the Gospel of hope not despair, courage not fear, tolerance not hatred; we pray to the Lord…
· That every nation, race, people, and tongue experience your compassion and love, we pray to the Lord...
· That God may be ever with us in our moments of unbelief; we pray to the Lord…
· That all who do not believe in Christ may come to know his love, we pray to the Lord…
· That married couples do not experience breakdown, marital fatigue, or lust for others, we pray to the Lord…
· That we may rejoice in the great gift of the Eucharist, which binds us to Christ and to the Church; we pray to the Lord…
· For all who have died, especially [add deceased names or “parishioners of” (add name)], and the intentions of this mass [add mass intentions], may they dwell secure with the Lord forever, we pray to the Lord...
· In silence, we pray for own needs and the special intentions of others, to the God who promises to return for those who live in his love… [pause; the presider alone concludes…]
Priest: God of newly given life, free us to be your witnesses and proclaim with our lives the Good news that Christ is truly risen. Hear our prayers and grant us the strength and will to live what we pray. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
The 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C
February 8-9, 2025
1. A sample penitential act could be:
Lord Jesus, you remove our wickedness and purge our sins; Lord, have mercy.
Christ Jesus, you open our hearts so that we might turn to you; Christ, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, your kindness endures forever; Lord, have mercy.
2. The prayers are those for the Fifth Sunday in OT.
3. Use the same form of the PA throughout these winter Sundays in OT.
4. Sing the Gloria. The creed is prayed.
5. An OT collect may conclude the UP. You might even look at the collects in the MPVNO for possible concluding prayers.
6. Any of the eight prefaces of the Sundays of OT may be used; consider P-7.
7. Consider using EPR-I and SB #12.
8. Today is World Marriage Day and Super Bowl Sunday.
9. Valentine’s Day is February 14.