For this Jubilee Year, the church has been given a beautiful, multilingual hymn entitled Pilgrims of Hope. If you participate in any Jubilee events, whether local or international, you will no doubt hear the uplifting melody and inspiring lyrics of this hymn.
Muchas personas pueden tener dificultades para creer que “las cosas buenas están por venir”. Darryl Ducote, LCSW, director del Departamento de Matrimonio y Vida Familiar de la Diócesis de Baton Rouge, habló recientemente sobre la capacidad del cerebro para cambiar y crecer. Esto hace que las personas tengan esperanza frente a la adversidad.
Days after nearly 8 inches of snow fell in Baton Rouge during a record-breaking winter storm for Louisiana, hundreds of people marched at the state capitol area for the unborn.
The theme of the January 26 Louisiana Life March South event was “Every Life Worth Living.”
Did you know 2025 is a Jubilee Year? Check out this month's Collect to read how the Diocese of Baton Rouge has been celebrating this Holy Year of Hope!
Couples bearing the cross of infertility can receive a Valentine’s Day Weekend gift in the midst of their struggles during a Springs in the Desert Ministry Retreat.
Sts. Anthony of Padua and Le Van Phung Church in Baton Rouge celebrated the Vietnamese Lunar New Year on the weekend of January 25-26. Bishop Michael G. Duca and Vicar General Jamin David joined the church community in the festivities, which included music, fireworks, food, dance, and rickshaw rides. Photos provided by Father Jamin David
La Santa Sede emitió un decreto el 13 de mayo de 2024, describiendo las múltiples formas en que los católicos pueden obtener una indulgencia plenaria durante el Año Jubilar de 2025.
Bishop Michael G. Duca selected the episcopal motto “Hope in the Lord” when he received his first appointment as bishop of the Diocese of Shreveport. This motto has an apropos connection with this Jubilee Year of Hope’s emphasis on trusting in God’s promises and future heavenly reward during times of suffering.
Franciscan Missionaries of Our University has been designated a Heart Safe Campus, the first entity in Baton Rouge and the first University in Louisiana with the distinction.
En una celebración Eucarística en la Catedral de San José en Baton Rouge, la Diócesis de Baton Rouge se unió a la Iglesia Universal para inaugurar el año 2025 como Año Jubilar de la Esperanza. Se animó a los fieles a aceptar las pruebas y cruces de la vida y a seguir adelante con fe, con una “esperanza que no defrauda”.
El 1 de diciembre, primer domingo de Adviento, las iglesias de la Diócesis de Baton Rouge celebraron su Rito de bienvenida para las personas que ingresan a la Orden de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (OCIA). En la iglesia de Santa Ana en Morganza, el padre Babu Vareeth, párroco, celebró el rito, que incluyó a miembros de la población hispana/latina. Fotos de Julia Scarnato | Directora del Apostolado Hispano de la Diócesis de Baton Rouge.
The theological virtue of hope develops from understanding that Jesus lifts the burden when we struggle with difficulties. We are then sent forth to spread hope to others who suffer, according to Becky Eldredge, an Ignatian-trained spiritual director, retreat facilitator, and author.
In this Jubilee Year of Hope, many people may struggle with believing that “good things are to come.” Darryl Ducote, LCSW, director of the department of marriage and family life of the Diocese of Baton Rouge, recently talked about the brain’s ability to change and grow. This causes people to have hope in the face of adversity.
The Holy See issued a decree on May 13, 2024, outlining the many ways that Catholics can obtain a plenary indulgence during the 2025 Jubilee Year. In the Diocese of Baton Rouge, Catholics can gain a plenary indulgence by making a pious pilgrimage to St. Joseph Cathedral or one of the five other churches designated by Bishop Duca.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul released the following news release about their plans:
St. Vincent de Paul’s Bishop Ott Shelter Program has initiated its plan for the current cold nights (39 degrees & below). We will expand bed capacity for men, women, children, and families experiencing homelessness during the cold days and nights to come. We provide day and night shelter services to men, women, and children, and annually, provide over 30,000 guest nights of shelter.
The St. Vincent de Paul Society of Baton Rouge brought holiday cheer to children and families in need at its annual gift distribution. The children smiled abundantly and their parents expressed gratitude. Pictured, from left, are, Andy Adler, SVDP board chair, Sylvia Weatherspoon of WBRZ, Father Charlie Landry, who distributed the gifts as St. Nicholas, and Kim Boudreaux, SVDP district council president. Photos provided by the St. Vincent de Paul Society.
Pictured are Father Landry and Weatherspoon with some of the gift recipients and their families.